Monday, November 09, 2009

Miracles Do Exist

Today is my lucky day. I decided to grab some M&Ms from the vending machine, you know, for dinner (don’t judge me) and a miracle happened. Possibly even 1.5 miracles.

I put in my dollar and the screen flashed “$1.00”, acknowledging my offering. As I punched in E8 I held my breath, like I always do, hoping that they wouldn’t get stuck. (Side note: Did I ever post about the time my M&Ms got stuck and I had to coerce a co-worker into helping me shake the vending machine? And as we were hitting it we failed to remember that anyone coming or going on the elevator could see us through the glass. Oopsy daisy.)

But back to today.

I held my breath and watched as the package started slowing down. It was on the verge of being stuck. But I was quick on my feet this time and shook the machine before the package had time to settle in to the stuck position. Miracle 0.5.

After I pulled my delicious dinner from the machine I reached into the coin drop for my change. None to be found. I hit the change return. Nothing. As I started to walk away, the screen caught my eye. It was still lit up with “$1.00”.

Do you see where I’m going with this?

I turned around and walked back to the machine and punched E6, because why not? And lo and behold a package of Peanut M&Ms began to descend. And (there’s more!) I got my 25 cents in change back!

Miracle, I tell you.

I’m saving the miracle package of M&Ms for a rainy day. Or for later this week (read: tomorrow) when I’m working late again and need dinner.

1 comment:

Annie said...

i love these kind of miracles :)