Friday, May 22, 2009

On the Sea Side of Things

I'm spending the weekend in Seaside, Oregon with my fabulous friend, Cara. It took a little longer than we expected to get here (6 hours vs. 3.5 hours) due to holiday traffic, a stop at Taco Del Mar for dinner and dessert in Astoria. The drive was BEAUTIFUL and the company was great, so the extra time didn't bother me.
I should have taken more pictures of the much green! So much water! But I didn't really think of it until we were almost there and the clouds had rolled in over the water and the sun was almost completely set.
Plus, I kind of have a thing for bridges.
We're staying in a suite on the beach. Kitchen? Check. Living room? Check. My own bedroom and bathroom? Check, check.
My plan is to do a lot of the following: sleeping, eating, beaching and reading. We have no schedule.

It's going to be a great weekend.


Kitty said...

Sounds like a great weekend! Have fun, be safe :)

Julie said...

You should look up Cannon Beach and see the rocks from Goonies...I mean you were in Astoria, their home town. (But the rocks are in Oregon quite a ways from Astoria. It's still fun though). Seaside is fun. Linda and I rented a surry the last time we were there. The water there is freezing though.

Anonymous said...

i was about to write about astoria too!! i love it there! so beautiful. nappy kindergarten cop was filmed there too. lol! but i just love those two movies to just look at the scenery.