Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Conversation of the Day

This conversation was with a man who works in another department (where he is the equivalent of my supervisor) and took place in the elevator as I was leaving work today. We work on a "special team" together so we know each other a little. Plus, sometimes I see him on the bus and while I usually pretend I don't see him (because that's how I roll), I've acknowledged him once or twice.

[Elevator doors open. I step on.]
Me: Hey, how's it going?
Guy: Hey. Not too bad...Any fun plans for the weekend?
[Notices my purse and laptop bag on my shoulder.]
G: And are you sure you have enough purses there or...
Me: Well, you know...I could probably use at least one more. I'm heading to Seaside, Oregon for the weekend.
G: Nice. I hear it's on the sea side of things.
Me: Yeah, I was thinking it might be near the sea.
[Elevator doors open. Goodbyes are exchanged. I step off. ]

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