Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Conversations of the Day

Today I got an email from a friend just letting me know that she found my blog and that she enjoyed it. (Yay!) I replied and promised that it's "not always just about Brandi Carlile and random daily conversations".

I guess I might have lied. But I really believed it at the time.

Conversation #1
I was in a slightly awkward brainstorming meeting today where the leader told us that if we didn't start spewing out ideas she had a stockpile of brainstorming games she would force us to play. By the way, I loathe cheesy games. Her threat didn't light the fire under any of us and there were long pauses of awkward silence.

After one particularly long period of silence this happened. Internet, I give to you the resurfacing of Chats McGee.

[Very long, very awkward silence. Everyone staring at the table.]
Chats McGee: Uhh...Didn't you say something about having games to play?
[My head snaps around and lasers start shooting out of my eyes in Chats McGee's general direction.]
Me: Seriously, Chats McGee?
CM: Well...I mean...Uhh....
[The painful meeting continued. No games were played.]

I got back to my desk and received the following IM:

CM: PS - Sorry about the activity suggestion during the meeting. I couldn't stand the silence/crickets. Was awkward and I needed something. Anything.
Me: No worries. You would have been in more trouble had we actually played one of the games.
CM: At least we're comfortable enough with each other that you can give me the "What the eff Chats McGee?" look and we're still cool.
Me: Very true.

Conversation #2
There are a lot of catch phrases in my industry and sometimes I think to myself, If I have to hear you say [insert phrase here] one more time I'm going poke my eyes out. Or yours.

There is one phrase in particular that is rubbing me the wrong way as of late and it's being overly-used by one person in particular. After my weekly conference call with The Offender the following conversation ensued with a few co-workers:

Me: Next week we're placing bets on the number of times she says it. Who wants to be in charge of keeping a tally?
L: I say we make a drinking game out of it. I'll line up shots at my desk and every time she says it we'll drink one. We'll all be wasted five minutes into the call.
Me: What will I take shots of?
D: I've got it...Regular Coke.
Me: I like it! Regular Coke is really living on the edge.


Annie said...

you actually call chats mcgee....chats mcgee to his face? That is awesome

Maria said...

Ha- I wish I were involved in more funny conversations. My conversations usually go like this...
Brooklyn: Ba ba ba ba ba.
Me: Do you mean, bottle, bye-bye, balloon, book, or brush?
(she has used ba for all of those words...maybe when she knows more words I'll start having funny conversations to post on my blog. But right now, she's pretty much the only person I see most of the day.)

Sarah said...

Steph! This makes me miss working in an office with you! Do you remember "logistically" and "VIP"? I sometimes wonder what he's up to. . .is that weird?

stephanielynn said...

Annie - He has no idea that I call him that. I just didn't want to use his real name.

Maria - I can't believe Brooklyn is anywhere near talking!

Sarah - Oh my gosh! I kind of forgot about him...or repressed any memory of him. I don't remember "logistically" but I do remember "let's". How funny!