Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I've just happened upon some shocking news. Both Inferno 3 AND Rob & Big were new last night and my DVR did not record them.

Around 11:30 I settled into bed, ready for a few laughs, and was disappointed to find nothing new on the DVR. I thought, "That's weird. I guess they were both re-runs tonight."

No. They were not re-runs.

I was just talking to Danny and he mentioned how funny it was that Big had a maid with no shirt on. You can imagine my surprise at not knowing what he was talking about. So, determined to get to the bottom of this, I went back to my desk and checked in with Natalie about Inferno 3. New.

This is not acceptable.


Anonymous said...

i can't believe you missed it!! i was thinking too how you must have been laughing! why didn't it record?

Danny K. said...

First they quit recording our favorite shows then what? I'm telling you those DVRs are up to something. . .I don't trust em.

Lindsay Jane said...

what....this is tragic. What are we going to do?

stephanielynn said...

Have no fear roomie...I found them on the guide and set them to record today. All is right in the world.