Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Failed Me

This morning I woke up at 8:30 am. Not on purpose. My new iHome has already done me wrong.

Apparently you can only hit snooze for an hour before the alarm shuts off. Some may think that snoozing for an hour is extreme, but I disagree. You see, I set my alarm for 7 am every morning hoping that I will find the motivation to get out of bed by 7:30 and to work at a respectable time. Every morning I hit snooze until nearly 8 am and roll in to work between 9 and 9:15. It's the thought that counts, right?

I guess I should come to terms with reality and set my alarm for a later time. Let's be honest, I'm never going to be an early riser.


Anonymous said...

i hear you on that. i will NEVER be a morning person. never. i just can't do it. i try to force myself up early, but my body can't make it.

brian use to set his alarm 2 hours before!! but his alarm is so loud, i talked him down to an hour.

stephanielynn said...

LOL...I had a roommate in college that said, "Steph, sometimes when your alarm goes off I fear for my life."

I guess it was loud:)