Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I'm Back in the Game

Tonight, for the first time in over two years, I dusted off my tennis racket and put it to good use. When I told my brother, Geoff, that I was looking into private tennis lessons he suggested that we find some courts and play once a week. I've been excited about it since we decided to do it!

Playing again took me back to these days. I'm still as bad as I was back then!

Geoff was the one who convinced me to play in high school so it's only fitting that he would be my "coach" now. He started feeding me balls and I began to wonder if we had made a big mistake. Every shot I hit was out-if I even managed to hit it at all. After the first hopper of balls I had to go out to the grass and collect the balls I had hit over the fence (yes, three of them...behind me) and I thought I was going to die. I had two huge charlie horses in my butt - so strange. And painful. Things got better from there and I think I made some good progress.

Moral of the story: Don't turn over you paycheck to the tennis club for lessons, just sucker your brother into playing with you.


NatAttack said...

Hahaha. The butt hurting is normal I think -- it's all the bending over to pick up balls. You'll get better and relearn to love tennis.

And if you're like me, you'll get suckered into the ward's tennis Open with people who play for REALSIES. Blagh.

stephanielynn said...

I don't know if I'll ever be able to play for realsies...

Anonymous said...

i just read this after the family blog. :) you can stay with "coach" geoff. :)

you look so young in your old tennis photos!! i love it! i totally want to be a "pro" at it.

it's also a great work out, which i think your butt was responding. :)

Kitty said...

Way to go Steph! Great idea- don't give up.