Friday, June 29, 2007

The Customer is Always Right

I did it. Yesterday I went to the Subway on the North Frontage road and asked them to fold my meat. You may remember from a post a couple weeks ago, I like that location better because the lines are shorter but they lay the meat flat on the bread which sometimes stops me from going there.

Here's how it went down:

Subway Guy: What can I get for you?
Me: I'd like a 6 inch ham and turkey on wheat...and can you fold the meat?
SG: Looks at me confused, folds the meat and places it on the bread so it only covers the ends and not the middle and says, You mean you only want meat on the ends?
Me: Well, you haven't put the ham on yet.
SG: Throws the ham in the middle and says, So you only want ham in the middle?
Me: No. The other Subway folds the meat and it covers the whole bread...
SG: He rotates the meat so that the turkey AND ham both cover all of the bread. Like this?
Me: Yes. Thank you.
SG: Slides my sandwich down for the veggie girl to finish. Does it really taste better with the meat folded?
Me: It does.

Matthew and I just looked at each other and laughed because he was taking my request a little hard.

My question: Why does it matter whether or not it tastes better? I asked you to fold the meat, I'm paying you to make MY sandwich, what's the problem?

By the way, it did taste better.


Anonymous said...

that stupid idiot! that is really crazy. i had a sub way guy not put my bacon in the microwave. and i asked for him to do it and he looked at me weird! don't put raw bacon on my sandwich! place that in the mircowave first!

plus....who just lays their meat on a 6 inch or foot long sub? you fold it!

Annie said...

Props to you for speaking up! That's awesome

Xi Eta Chapter said...

I love this story so much - wish I could have been there to see it go down!