Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Five Percent

If that glove isn't a sign of an official golfer, then I don't know what is. I mean, really. Looks like I am now 5% more attractive and well on my way to reaching that 20%.
Would you like to see a very blurry picture of me in action? I'd thought you'd never ask.
Can't you just feel the power that was behind that?

I'd have to say that my first legitimate golfing experience was a success. A few things about the evening:
  • When I surveyed people for what I should wear, the response I got was a polo shirt and plaid pants. Next time.
  • I had to change in the car. In order to do this I had to, first, dodge giving a male co-worker a ride. And second, change in the parking garage. The woman in the car next to me would. not. leave. I was running out of time so I just had to go for it. Maybe she got more than she bargained for.
  • I was nervous. Nervous mostly that it would be a swing and a miss every time and I would go the entire night without ever making contact with the ball. As it turns out, I only missed it completely twice.
  • At one point I got asked, "Were you a straight A student or something?" I replied, "Actually, I was. Why, could you tell that I was dying to take notes while the instructor was talking?"
  • I'm excited to go back. Anyone want to head to the driving range with me?


The StaceNeedle said...

dudeski- the girl behind you is clearly impressed with your swing. gj!

Scott said...

Just remember...It's all in the hips.

stephanielynn said...

That's what I hear, Scott.