Sunday, December 27, 2009

Confession #3654

I've only left this house twice since I arrived last Wednesday (But I've surprised even myself by showering daily. Three cheers for hygiene!). That's not the confession. I'm hoping that maybe it provides - not quite an excuse - but some sort of context for what I'm about to tell you.

Confession: Today I read a Jack Weyland book.

Yes, the same Jack Weyland who authored books you read when you were 14 years old. Or maybe you didn't...but I did. And I don't know how or why it happened today, but it did.

This is how it went down:

The book was titled Brianna, My Brother, and the Blog and it was horrible. I honestly think I could have written something better...and you're reading this blog so that should tell you something about my lack of writing skills. But of course I read the whole thing because 1) you can't just stop a book once you start 2) he told me outright in the first chapter that the baseball glove would prove significant later on so clearly I had to stay tuned and 3) I was curious to see if, when I thought it couldn't, it really could get any worse.

So in case you too were wondering if the books you read as a teenager were really as good as you remembered, the answer is not likely.


Kenn N said...

I had him for physics at BYU-Idaho... way cool guy... but I don't read his books.

stephanielynn said...

See now...if he's teaching physics then that should tell us something. I'm sure he's a very nice man!

Kelsy said...

Um, if this book title includes the word "blog" does that mean he's still coming out with books somewhat recently?

stephanielynn said...

Sure does. This one was 2009.