Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings

This is the point where the jokes stop and I talk about my feelings. Sounds fun, no? Today was a total downer. In fact, it was one of my least favorite days in recent history.

Side note: I'm currently watching all of the videos I've ever posted on YouTube for funsies (There are a surprisingly small number and some are more than kind of embarrassing) and the video playing right now is Dashboard Confessional performing Hands Down. If you're not familiar with the song the chorus says, "Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember". Yeah...not so much.

Below is the summary of my day to a co-worker:

unfortunately a freak collision of my personal and professional lives letting me know how much i suck.

But if we're looking on the bright side, bad days help remind me of the people that care about me and are willing to put in a little extra effort to give me the boost I need. A few examples:

1. A friend walking seven blocks through the frigid weather to meet me for lunch so I could chat her ear off, even though I only had 15 minutes free from the office. AND came with a Diet Coke stashed in her purse. She's an absolute gem.

2. A friend saying "I think you are really neat!" (which made me laugh through a few tears) and telling me how much he appreciates me and my friendship.

3. And yet another friend allowing me to dump my brain out on a page, reading it and offering up words of support and encouragement including, "
And remember, if you didn't have a kick-ass personality, we wouldn't be friends. Just so you know."

Bad News: I suck at life.
Good News: There are still people that are willing to love me in spite of it.

What do you say we just turn out the lights and try again tomorrow?


NatAttack said...

Good plan! Lame as it sounds, things do typically look better in the morning. But that's the kind of advice I hate hearing. So... I'm sorry.

I too think you're swell and a real treat to be around.


Kitty said...

Wish I could be there to give you a big hug and lend my support :( I hope you are having a better day today. Love you!

Anonymous said...

wish i saw this earlier. sorry you felt this way! i've had a month of it. it totally sucks. and when the next day doesn't bring happiness, i don't know how i would survive without your brother. :)

love you. call any time. you are awesome and succeed in life. you know you do. FBN is proof. :)