Monday, October 22, 2007

Do Your Job

Dear Alarm Clock,
The question is often asked, Why am I here? or What is my purpose?. For some, the answers to those questions are hard to find. But for you, Alarm Clock, the answer is simple.

You're purpose is to wake me up. Most likely in the morning, but sometimes later in the day after a nap. I don't care how you do it, by radio or iPod, just as long as noise comes out of your speakers to bring me to consciousness.

This morning, Alarm Clock, you didn't do your job. And don't even try to blame it on me. Last night I checked to make sure you were set for 6:58am. I hit the proper button to let you know that the iPod was my preference. I set the song to Michael Buble's "Everything" and placed it in the slot. Every piece was in place.

But for some reason I didn't wake to the sweet sounds of Michael Buble. I woke to Max crying in my face and sun streaming through the window. I looked at the time on your front and when I saw 8:27 am I knew you had failed me. But you couldn't have, I had done everything right. I second guessed myself thinking I had snoozed you without realizing, but when I pulled the iPod off it's dock it was still set to "Everything" just as it had been the night before.

What went wrong, Alarm Clock? How could you do this to me? Lucky for you I made it from stepping out of bed to sitting at my desk in 45 minutes, but let's try for better performance tomorrow. What do you say?



Danny K. said...

If you like Michael Buble's "Everything", you shouldn't use it as a song to wake up to because you'll ultimately grow to hate it.

stephanielynn said...

Good point. The song changes every day depending on what I set it to the night before.

Julie said...

You are more forgiving than I am, ending your "letter" with LOVE...

Anonymous said...

that stupid alarm has failed you more than once!! i say kill it. it never treats you good.