Monday, November 13, 2006

Completely Unsanitary

I came in to work today to find a teddy bear on my desk with a note that said, "Hi Steph, I'm Teddy Ruxpin!" Clearly Matthew's doing. My plan was to return the bear when he wasn't there, so I pushed it aside and went about my business.

Later this afternoon, Matthew came over for his daily chat and revealed that he had found the bear in the shop. This fact automatically made the bear dirty. He then went on to tell us that he found the bear in the men's bathroom in the shop.

Two questions:
1. Why would you bring a teddy bear from the men's bathroom in the shop and put it on my desk? I work there and sometimes eat there (including today).
2. Why is there a teddy bear in the men's bathroom in the shop?


Anonymous said...


1. The teddy bear wasn't sitting in the toilet so I didn't find him to be as dirty as one might think. He was on a shelf. Shelf's are clean aren't they?

2. I have an answer...1...2...3...okay maybe I shouldn't share that answer!

stephanielynn said...

Way to use the counting rule Matthew. It seems to be working well for you:)