Thursday, November 04, 2010

a salesman's dream.

Tonight I had a work "meeting" at Sephora. I know, life is hard, right?

All three of us got our make-up done and before my guy even started putting anything on my face, I knew I was going to buy it all. It just had to be done. Not to mention he kept telling me how beautiful I was (Note to Self: Go to Sephora when you need a self-esteem boost.) which was an added bonus.

On top of that, it actually looked really great when he was finished. All he said was, "Which of the products we used today would you like?" and suddenly I was carrying a basket full to the counter. I'm the ideal customer.

I will not admit to you, dear internet, how much money I actually spent. However, I will say that I'm currently experiencing buyer's remorse so some of it may make its way back to the store.

But only some.

I never stood a chance.

1 comment:

Yo said...

I need someone give me tips for make-up. Go with me sometime? I promise I'll be just as bad and buy it all.