Monday, August 02, 2010

Shamed by Automated Emails

This morning I got an email from my gym with the subject line: How many gym visits do you have so far?

Now, part of me just wanted to check the box and delete the message like I do to all other junk mail, but another part of me was curious.

So I clicked on it.

And I found out that in the three months I've had this particular gym membership, I've been to the gym a shockingly few number of times. Not only was it a shockingly few number of times in total, but they went even further to break it down on a per month basis. Thanks for that. The email continued on, asking how this compared to my goal and if I was exceeding it or not quite hitting it, blah, blah, blah.

Shaming me, basically. They wanted to shame me into coming back to the gym. They might as well have sent me an email that said, "Based on the number of times you've come in, you're clearly still chubby and I'm not quite sure you've grasped the purpose of this membership."

Well, it worked. Kind of. Tonight I ran around Green Lake (Can we really call it running though? Not really.) and tomorrow I'm heading to the gym to get back on the Zumba train.

Don't worry, if I fall of the wagon again I can always count on an automated email system to shame me into getting back on track.

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