Wednesday, August 22, 2007


-Carlee + homemade lunch = Stephanie going to lunch alone

-I just saw a co-worker with a giant container of black pepper on his desk. When I say giant I mean the kind you'd buy at Costco. I just don't know why that would be necessary.

-I'm still obsessed with Michael Buble and I'm worried that it won't ever go away. There's no end in sight. Although, watching a YouTube clip of him "rapping" on Rove (some Australian show) did have a negative effect on the obsession. It was just embarrassing.

-Tut, tut. Looks like rain. That makes me happy.

-I'm going to Institute tonight for the first time a few years. I might be looking forward to it?

-I woke up to Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" this morning. Quite the way to start the day.

-I just realized that I haven't had Subway in over a month. I'm over it. But my new favorite sandwich spot doesn't have BBQ Baked Lays which could be enough to drive me back to Subway at some point.

-Today marks the start of my "Justin Timberlake Brush-up". I need to get ready for Vegas in a week and a half.


NatAttack said...

"Don't Stop Believin'" is my ring tone. It's freakin sweet.


Don't worry, I haven't had Subway in at least that long either. Craziness.

I like this update. Good job.

stephanielynn said...

I aim to please, Nat.