Thursday, December 07, 2006

Thief on the Loose

I know where I left my iPod and I know where it is no longer. It has officially been stolen off of my desk at work.

I was in one meeting or another from 11-2:30 today so if someone was going to steal from me, today was the perfect day. Audrey saw the iPod on my desk at around 1:45 and I noticed it was missing around 2:40. For those of you who are not good with math, that's a 55 minute time frame. If only I hadn't gone to McKinsie's meeting.

Gossip around here spreads like wildfire and I hope the thief has heard someone talking about it and feels like a jackass. That still doesn't get me my iPod back, but makes me feel a little better.

My favorite part of this fiasco is the response I received from the Director of HR...
"Thank you for letting me know. I will ask reception to let me know if anyone turns one in."

To which I replied, "I don't think anyone is going to turn it in to reception because it's not lost--it's stolen."

I haven't heard back from her. Shocker. Toby would not have given such a crappy response.

Either way, it's gone and I'm sad about it.

Oh, and I hate people who steal.


Lindsay Jane said...

I'm taking donations from anyone that would like to contribute to the "People Suck, get Stephanie a new iPod" fund. I will let everyone know when we are having the car wash.

Anonymous said...

that stinks. It wasn't me, in case you were wondering. :)

stephanielynn said...

You were my number one suspect. Crap. I guess it's back to square one.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Toby. The perfect Office allusion.

Anonymous said...

If the person is caught...I'd like to do some sort of torture to the poor fool! Not only did they make off with an ipod, they got 40 bucks in cash and a checkbook! This place is unsafe now...I think I might invest in some door for my cubicle so I can lock it up when I leave.

stephanielynn said...

I'm ok with torture and can you install a door for me while you're at it? Oh, and another 1/2 wall. Thanks, Coach.