Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bum Holiday

Unless you like to drink, New Year's Eve isn't that exciting. I've been to my fair share of drunken New Year's parties, but this holiday has become just another day to me. This year, for example, I've chosen to not shower, sit on the couch watching season 2 of Grey's Anatomy, eat popcorn and drink Diet Coke. It's brilliant.

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

Wow. Two steps above my New Years. In a nutshell, I was:

a. Alone
b. Eating a pizza illegally purchased on the Sabbath
c. Importing CDs to iTunes.

Happy 2007. May it not suck as much as 2006.

Carlee said...

Amen to the blog and the accompanying comment. New Years is not a holiday - it's a pre-cursor to National Hang-Over day. Lame. . .