Friday, December 08, 2006

Is it on me?

Do you ever walk into a really stinky place, possibly any/every bathroom at DM, and wonder if the stink will be on you when you leave?

I usually wonder and I'm here to tell you that stink can get on you.

There's a man from my home town that is known (at least in my family) for not having the best body odor. I went home for a visit one summer (the Michigan heat and humidity do nothing for his BO problem) and saw him on Sunday. As usual he wanted a hug, so I opted for the quick side hug. I'm not very tall and the top of my shoulder was just the right height to fit snug against his armpit.

We chatted for a bit and after I walked away I began catching wiffs of an unpleasant smell. I turned my head to the right and sniffed my shoulder. Whoa! I walked over to my brother and asked him to smell my shoulder (you might think he would've asked why, but in my family asking someone to "smell this" isn't uncommon).

It was confirmed. His stink was on me. For the 2 seconds that my shoulder was snug in his armpit, the stink was transferred. Sick.

Moral of the story: beware of stinky places, whether it be bathrooms or armpits. The stink can get on you and, I can tell you from experience, it's not pretty.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha. This is a very funny post. ANY time I go into the bathroom down here and it stinks, my immediate concern is the annoyance factor in thinking the person after me is going to think I'M the one who stunk it up.

Life's not fair!

stephanielynn said...

That is my second concern:
1. Will the stink get on me?
2. Will someone think that the stink was from me?

I know exactly what you're talking about!

Lindsay Jane said...

Because of DM stinky bathrooms and because of the Subway smell sticks to you, have a bottle of Febreze at my desk...feel free to use if necessary.

Anonymous said...

LOL...reminds me of a Seinfeld episode when Jerry uses the valet parking at a hotel and the valet driver has bad BO. The stink stays in the car and gets on anyone who gets in the car. Elaine was in the car before she went over to her then boyfriend and he wouldn't proceed with further intimacy because of the stink that was on Elaine. LOL...good episode!

stephanielynn said...

I saw that one! I speak the truth.