Tuesday, June 21, 2011

jars. and brides.

I have a recent obsession with mason jars.
I don't actually have any in my possession, but I keep collecting ideas of what to do with them.
Like simply using them as drinking glasses.
Or this, for example.

I have a project coming up that drove me to actually search for some to buy and I ended up on Amazon. This woman's review of the product made me chuckle.
Now days it is very difficult to find jars for canning, since the most recent brides do little to no cooking, much less any food preservation. So stores seldom carry glass jars.
I year ya, lady.
Brides these days.


Yo said...

I love jars too! The kids drink out of them, use them to hold their pencils and what not. I even have the monster size mason ones to hold sugar and flour. you can find them in grocery stores right now because of the season. You can always keep cool jars left over from food products, sometimes I'll find a unique jelly jar. Yes, I'm a dork.

Anonymous said...

i love them, too!! i want to put markers, pens, pencils and any other office supplies in them.