Wednesday, December 01, 2010

on the bus today...

...I got on, sat down and nothing happened for several minutes. The doors didn't close. The bus wasn't moving. I asked the guy across the aisle what was going on and he, first, looked at me like I was crazy for even trying to talk to him and, second, responded with "nothing".

Clearly this was his first time on the bus.

So, I got up and asked the driver what was going on. She replied, with a tone that implied that I should have known, "I've called a supervisor and am waiting for them to escort that guy off." I turned in the direction of her head-point and discovered "that guy" was a homeless dude laying down across the seats. For the record, he seemed to be minding his own business.

Regardless, I hopped off the bus, thinking another was coming within the next few minutes [Wrong. It was 20 minutes.] and soon nearly the entire bus cleared out and we were all waiting at* the bus stop again. I mean, I'm not trying to say they were all following me, but that's exactly what I'm trying to say.

Well, the joke was on them for trusting my judgment because as soon as the bus cleared out, the driver closed the doors and drove away. WITHOUT REMOVING THE HOMELESS MAN.

It was a mean trick.

*It was recently pointed out to me that I say "on the bus stop" instead of "at the bus stop". And that it's incorrect to do so. Of course I needed to get a second (through fifth) opinion and it turns out they unanimously agreed that I was wrong.

So, there you go. I was AT the bus stop.

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