Tuesday, December 07, 2010

give thanks.

My second Thanksgiving on my own came and went successfully.

I still have yet to make a turkey in my life, but after finding out that you have to stick your hand inside and "rub the turkey" I don't know that I'll be checking that one off the list any time soon. I mean, I can't even eat meat off of the bone. Luckily, these two brave souls made the turkey happen.
Between the six of us, we had everything necessary to make a complete Thanksgiving dinner. Minus the corn, which I forgot at home. My mashed potatoes felt naked without it, but I managed.
No gathering put on by CK would be complete without the perfect decor, including hand stamped name tags and books of gratitude.
As it turns out, homemade table decorations are also fire hazards. For example, that lit candle between the popcorn and chocolate quite possibly set the wood slats surrounding it on fire. Our meal was done. Our backs were to the table. I was drifting off into a post-dinner nap. We were none the wiser. Luckily JC had a craving for pie and walked past the table, only to find it flaming.

The end result.
I have so many things to be thankful for.
On that day in particular, one of those things was good people in my life.
Today, it's my family. And health.
Tomorrow something else will likely take that top spot.
But I am grateful. For so many things.

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