Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Expectations Officially Exceeded

I will admit that I wasn't 100% excited about the Gwen Stefani concert last night. I'm a fan, but not a huge fan, so it wasn't like I was counting down the days. That being said, the show was pretty much fantastic!

Lady Sovereign was the first act. I thought she was 12 until she start rapping like a pro and throwing around the F-Bomb. Turns out she's a 20 year old, white, female, rapper from London. How awesome is that?! I couldn't understand 99% of what she said, but I kind of liked it.

Next up was Akon. Do I really need to say more? His hit song is "Smack That" and he couldn't keep his clothes on. No thanks.
(Although I have to admit I liked his song "Lonely". Don't tell.)

Then Gwen came out and dazzled us all! In case you were doubting her vocal abilities, the girl can sing! Fun costumes and great dancers to boot.

Highlights of the night:

  • The transvestite in line with his 75 year old grandma who had red/white old lady hair.
  • Tutu's, mini-skirts, feather boas, prom hair...you name it, we saw it.
  • The teenage boy in line wearing more foundation than I've ever worn in my life...combined.
  • The gangsta boys that new every word to every Akon song. They even stripped down to their wife-beaters when he did.
  • After "Hollaback Girl" Gwen said, "I wish you all could see yourselves out there. That was effing unbelievable." It pretty much was.
  • Getting beer spilled on me.
  • Three drunk, middle-aged women, not wearing enough clothing (one in bare feet), arm-in-arm, stumbling down the steps talking about calling a cab. (At least they didn't try and drive.)
All in all, a successful evening. I feel like I got my money's worth.


Julie said...

How can you "doubt" anything Gwen Stephani does? Ha. I couldn't resist.

Anonymous said...

wow!!! sounds like some crazy people there! i bet her concert was awesome!

stephanielynn said...

Jules, I had that same thought after I wrote it:)