Friday, April 27, 2007

Diet, Subway and Lunch Meat

I've finally buckled down and put myself on a "diet". It's not so much a full-on diet as it is me being more conscious of what I eat, counting calories and pretty much coming to terms with the fact that I will never be full again.

It's only been 7 days, but this is the longest I've ever been able to commit to eating healthy (yes, very sad). I usually can't withstand the temptation of a Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard or fast food meal, but not this time! I've turned down three invitations to go out to lunch (and given in to two invitations to go to dinner...but it wasn't too bad), filled my freezer full of frozen dinners and my desk drawers full of 100 calorie packs. I'm on my way to not giving up on this!

I haven't quite been able to get myself back to the gym, but we won't talk about that right now. Baby steps.

Unfortunately, I forgot to grab my lunch out of the freezer this morning. I decided to hit up Subway for a calorie-counted sandwich. In an attempt to make my sandwich a little more filling (because those who know me, know that I put very little on my sandwiches) I added cheese to the ham/turkey. American cheese to be precise. I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised. It added a little touch of delicious to my lunch. Who knew I would like I white cheese on a sandwich?

As I was taking the last bite, I got a whiff of the lunch meat and decided that while I can eat it, I don't ever want to smell it. It reminded me of the lemon bars at the DM monthly employee meetings. I had tried Tiffany's lemon bars and loved them so I thought it would be a good option at the meeting. False. When it got close to my mouth I realized it smelled like lunch meat. It shouldn't need to be said that a lemon bar should never smell like meat. So, like any sensible person would do, I proceeded to make everyone around me smell it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good for you steph!