Sunday, April 01, 2007

What would we do, baby?

For the last two nights Lindsay and I have been watching Season 1 of Family Ties on DVD.

Even though I was born the year it started, I was seven by the time it ended and I can remember watching it with my family. Chances are I was laying on the floor directly under the TV, with two throw pillows under my head, covered by an afghan and my feet on the entertainment center (and probably getting in trouble for it).

It's funny how certain things can take you back and make you think about things you haven't thought about it a long time.

Sha, la, la, la....


Annie said...

Where did you get the DVD?! That is another show I would love to have the DVDs of. I love Alex P.! I use to watch that in BDA.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha!! i was so going to write sha la la la!! that was the main part i remembered as a kid. i remember too thinking "the dad is booty ugly!" and by looking at the picture he still is. :) those were the days. old tv shows you watched with your family. those memories will last. :)

stephanielynn said...

Annie, we rented it. It just came out on February 20th.

Amanda, it's funny how you remember theme songs to old shows that you haven't heard in forever. I couldn't have told you the words before, but once I heard the music I totally knew all of them.