Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Rumor has a Grey's Anatomy spin-off is in the works featuring Seattle Grace's own Addison Montgomery-Shepherd.

How do I feel about it? I'd be delighted to tell you.

I think it's a bad idea for the following reasons (in no particular order):

1. Grey's is at it's peak! Why take away from that by putting another similar show on the air? Or by removing a character that adds to the show?

2. The hospital bases are covered...
If I wanted to watch a show that takes place in a hospital, is a drama and focuses on the characters' personal lives, I'd watch Grey's Anatomy. If I wanted to watch a show that takes place in a hospital, is a drama and focuses on the actual drama of life in a hospital, I'd watch E.R. If I wanted to watch a show that takes place in a hospital, is a comedy and gives you a "moral of the story" at the end of each episode, I'd watch Scrubs.

3. Spin-offs don't work. Joey. Enough said.

4. Grey's is still on the air. Don't you generally wait to start your spin-off and watch it fail after your hit show has run its course?

5. If Shonda Rhimes is writing two shows at the same time they will both suffer. She could have one great show or two mediocre shows. Don't get greedy.

There you have it. My top 5 reasons there should be no spin-off.


Anonymous said...

i HATE the idea too!! it kind of pisses me off! like give me a break! so now addison moves to new york and gets it on with taye diggs? who cares!! i agree with everything you said steph. and yah, grey's should be ending in like 8 years and then maybe think of a stupid spin off.

Carlee said...

Amen to both of the Howard girls! Bad, bad idea. I like Addison, but not enough to watch her by herself. If Taye Diggs is invited though. . . .nevermind. Still wouldn't work!