Monday, October 30, 2006

Mouse Hunt - Part IV

The mice are taking over my house!

Last night after ward prayer Max and I were laying on my bed and I was talking to Scott on the phone. I heard a rustling noise in the corner but realized that Max hadn't moved. I told Scott to hold on (so I could listen) and heard it again. Max heard it too and jumped up to see what it was. I then saw a little brown mouse run along the wall from behind my nightstand to behind my dresser.

Me: "Mouse! Mouse! Mouse!"
Lindsay (from the other room): "What?! Where!?
Me: "Scott, I'll call you back." "Mouse! Mouse!"

Max hopped down and tried to block the mouse in the corner. It was behind the dresser and Max was having some trouble reaching it. Every time he went in one side the mouse would run out the other. I would then scream (from the "safety zone" on top of my bed) and the mouse would run back.

This happened quite a few times and finally Max gave up and hid under the bed. What?! Hiding under the bed when there is clearly still a mouse that needs to be caught? This is how he got the title "Worst Mouse Hunter Ever".

By this time Lindsay had joined me in the "safety zone" and we were trying to throw Max in the direction of the mouse. He was NOT having it.

Finally, the mouse ran out from behind the dresser, I snapped a picture, and he then ran all the way across my room and slipped under the bedroom door. The mouse is now roaming free in our house.

Needless to say, I didn't sleep very well last night.

Roomie Reunion

Ranya was in the states for a couple weeks and we got together on Friday night to catch up. It was so great to see her! We met Tatum, Jason and Gavin for dinner at Mimi's Cafe and then Ranya, Ty and I headed to the haunted house.

I was feeling pretty nervous about the haunted house (my childhood fear of Freddy Krueger kicks in) but it in the end I was really glad I went. I didn't even have to cover my eyes even though there were several walking, talking Freddy's surrounding me.

It was fun to hang out with Tatum, Ranya and Ty again. Sometimes you don't realize how much you miss someone until you see them again!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Daylight Savings is of the Devil

It's only 6:20 pm and already completely dark outside. It will now be dark every night when I leave work.

I'm depressed just thinking about it.

The Perfect Saturday

The recipe for a great Saturday...

-Wake up at 11:30
-Eat breakfast
-Watch a movie ("Click" was actually better than I had anticipated.)
-Hit the gym
-Brave the masses in Costco (Hot dog and Diet Coke included)
-Wash and vacuum the car
-Brave the masses again in Wal-Mart
-Read a book
-Watch another movie
-Go to bed at midnight

It doesn't get any better than that!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Baby Gavin

Tatum and Jason stopped by the other night with baby Gavin. He was looking super cute sporting real shoes for the first time. Jason had him in a good pose, but the flash was too bright for his little eyes. He's so adorable!

The Keith's better watch out or I might steal him!

Thursday, October 26, 2006


All of my shows were re-runs tonight. I hate that! Don't they know that there are sad, sad people in the world, like me, that look forward to certain days of the week because of what TV shows are on? After Jim & Pam's phone conversation and McDreamy not caring that Meredith broke up with Finn, I was really looking forward to tonight.

At least MTV pulled through and there is an episode of The Duel waiting for me on my DVR.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Perez, Don't Say Such Things!

One of the celebrities in my Top 5 is Wentworth Miller. Yes, I do realize that Prison Break is a crappy show, but how cute is he?!

Anyway, when I was catching up on my celebrity gossip yesterday on I came across Perez's claim that my boy Wentworth is "The Most Elibible Homo in Hollywood". What?! I couldn't believe what I was reading. But the more I thought about it I realized I actually COULD believe what I was reading...

Why are the hot ones always gay?

Monday, October 23, 2006

Tobias Sighting

Nat spotted a Tobias Funke look-alike at CPK on Friday night. She pulled the old 'I'm pretending to take a picture of Carlee, but am really taking a picture of the super weird looking guy behind her' move.

You may not be able to tell from the pictures, but the resemblance is uncanny.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Mouse Hunt - Part III

This is getting a little ridiculous, I know, but what is going on with these mice?!

We came home from church today and as I was walking past the spare room I noticed something on the floor in the corner. As I got closer I saw that it was a mouse head! We don't think that it's the mouse head that was "lost" on Thursday night. We're confident that one was eaten on the spot. The blood looked fresh and I'm pretty sure we just don't want to consider the possiblity that this mouse head was hidden somewhere for the last 3 days.

If I come home one day and there are mouse parts on my bed, that's where I'm drawing the line.

Fall, Fall, Fall

This weekend we've had beautiful weather! This is my favorite time of year. The temperatures are cold but the sun is shining. The 10 day forcast is sun and temperatures in the 50's and 60's.

I miss Michigan in the fall. There are trees everywhere and the leaves change and it's beautiful! For some reason I don't have any fall Michigan pictures of my own, so I grabbed one online. Isn't it beautiful!?

Enough is Enough

Is a 4 hour Sunday nap too long?

Friday, October 20, 2006

Mouse Hunt - Part II

I think I hurt Max's feelings by calling him the "worst mouse hunter ever" for not finding the mouse in the house (which is still MIA, by the way) because last night he came running into the house with a present for us...a half-dead mouse in his mouth. He ran into Lindsay's room and we followed, cringing and laughing, and got there just in time to see him bite it and hear it crunch. He picked it up and ran under the bed with it (not before I could get a picture) and we had to coax him out. He finally came out but left the mouse behind. I handled the flashlight while Lindsay worked the shovel to scoop the dead mouse out from under the bed. This is how the conversation went as she pulled the shovel out:

Me: "Did you get it?"
Lindsay: "Yeah, I think so."

*Pause as she stands up and the head of the shovel becomes visible.

Lindsay: "Not all of it though!"

I look down to find a mouse body and bloody stump where the head used to be!! Lindsay almost threw up, I couldn't stop laughing and she disposed of the body while I searched under the bed for the head. Nowhere in sight. Max bit the head off and ate it! We never knew our sweet Max had it in him.

So I guess I can't say he's the worst mouse hunter ever...only when it matters.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Mouse Hunt

Anyone who knows me knows I love my cat. He's the oddest cat you will ever meet--part cat, part dog and part human baby. A special feline breed which I will now call a Cogaby.

As I sat here writing this inaugural post, I heard a rustling under the bookcase. I saw the Cogaby crawling under the bookcase and then, to my horror, I saw a small brown object run along the length of the wall finding refuge behind another piece of furniture.

Does the Cogaby notice that the small brown object is no longer under the bookshelf? No.

Am I freaking out because there is a mouse running around in my house? Yes!

The Cogaby kept searching under the bookshelf for 10 more minutes, then gave up and wandered down the hall crying over his defeat. Apparently that's what cats who are also part dog and part human baby do. They let the mouse get away.

Worst mouse hunter ever.