Thursday, December 08, 2011


I have a friend that likes to include photos of himself with text messages to help deliver the spirit of the message. I have to say, I kind of love it. So today I decided to respond in kind and returned this photo with my response.
My first thoughts after looking at this photo:
1. My hair is LONG.
2. The chubby cheek look stopped being adorable around age three.
3. I honestly forget I have dimples. Or is there just one? I don't even know.

Another story about this photo.
I went to a work event tonight and in the car on the way there I passed my phone to a co-worker to show her some pictures of the Christmas decor in my house. Then she passed it on to the girl on the other side of her and, long story short, buttons were pushed, confusion set in and suddenly she was staring at this photo of me. Obviously taken of myself at my desk at work.

Of course I then felt the need to explain why I had taken a photo of myself. They tried to stop me, but of course I felt the need to provide all the details surrounding the incident. I ended up pulling up the text message, showing his photo, reading aloud his message, re-showing my photo and reading aloud my response.

For everyone, I'm sure.

In a related story, after an incident last week at a football game where he had to save me from myself in a conversation with a food vendor, AB said to me, "You know, sometimes I think your love of the details makes things harder for you."

I don't think that might be the case. I'm sure of it.


Janna said...

seriously. i love you.

Kitty said...

Love this! I can't help but smile reading this. Just looking at that sweet face made me smile. BTW I love those chubby cheeks!

Details must run in the family, because when we were visiting Geoff I noticed his attention to telling all the details :) I seriously don't know where that comes from except that Dad is very inquisitive and wants to know the why and how of everything. Geoff is like that too.